What do I need to know if I want to appeal a suspension or expulsion?

The following information is available in 35 languages on this page: Appealing a suspension or expulsion.

What is an appeal?

An appeal is when you ask for a decision to be looked at again. This happens because you are not happy with a decision that has been made.

How do I appeal a suspension or expulsion?

You can appeal a suspension or expulsion if you believe that the principal made an unfair decision or didn’t correctly follow the policy and procedures. Students, parents and carers can fill out an appeal form.

Appeals can be lodged with the local Education Office. The local Education Office can help you understand the process. They can also help you write the appeal. Your child’s school can provide contact information for your local Education Office.

A decision about the appeal will be made by a Director, Educational Leadership or Executive Director School Performance. This will take between 15 and 20 school days to process. You will be contacted when the appeal is lodged, and a decision is made. If you need further information, you can contact the local Education Office where the appeal was lodged.

Outcome from a suspension appeal

If the appeal about a suspension is upheld, and the decision maker agrees with your request, the principal will contact you to make sure your child returns to school as soon as possible, The appeal decision will be noted on your child’s records and the suspension will be removed as a suspension from your child’s record.

If the appeal about a suspension is not supported, and the decision maker does not agree with your request, your child will stay on suspension until the agreed date.

Outcome from an expulsion appeal

If the appeal about an expulsion is supported, and the decision maker agrees with your request, the principal will need to work with you to resolve any serious safety concerns and put in place support measures so that your child can return to school. The appeal decision will be noted on your child’s records and the expulsion will be removed from your child’s records.

If an appeal about an expulsion is not supported, and the decision maker does not agree with your request there may be a range of other options available to your child. The principal will work with you to arrange an alternate setting more appropriate to your child's needs.

If the appeal about an expulsion is not supported and your child is 17 years and over, you and your child should look for options to continue learning or transition to work.

Can I make a complaint about an appeal outcome?

You can appeal a decision to suspend or expel a student as set out in the Suspension and Expulsion procedures.

If your appeal is unsuccessful you cannot complain about the original decision or the outcome of the appeal. There is no further appeal or review available within the department on the specific decision to suspend or expel your child.

You can consider contacting external review bodies, such as the NSW OmbudsmanExternal link, to discuss how they can help.

If you have concerns about the Student Behaviour policy or Suspension and Expulsion procedures, you can submit a complaint via our online complaint form.

You can also make a complaint if you have concerns about aspects of the appeal process, such as how the decision maker treated you.

Information on advocating for your child is available for parents. Information on communicating with schools is provided in the School Community Charter.

Telephone interpreter service

If you wish to contact the school and need assistance with English, please call the telephone interpreter service on 131 450, tell them what language you need and ask the operator to phone the school. The operator will get an interpreter on the line to assist you with your conversation. You will not be charged for this service.


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