Assessment of travel support needs

Schools are responsible for assessing the level of travel support required by individual students with disability who are seeking access to travel support services under the ASTP.

This guide is provided to assist schools in the assessment of the individual student support needs.

The travel needs of students are to be considered within the context of syllabus outcomes in the development of Individual Learning Plans and discussed with parents at each annual review (as a minimum).

Continued access to travel assistance will be dependent upon an annual review of students' travel support needs and ongoing eligibility for access to the ASTP.

The results of this assessment are to be completed in:


Level 0 - Independent travel

Students at this level are not eligible for Assisted School Travel.

Students are able to travel without support and/or can travel with parent or peer assistance. These students are sometimes travelling independently in the community outside school hours.

Student is able to:

  • travel independently
  • request assistance if normal travel arrangements are changed
  • access the required mode of transport
  • travel to and from school with parents or with peers.

Level 1 - Capable of independent travel

Students have the ability to acquire and maintain skills necessary to travel to and/or from school independently. Assisted school travel may be required pending participation in an appropriate travel training program.

The student:

  • demonstrates sufficient aptitude, motivation, knowledge, mobility and skill to respond to a program of travel training in order to travel to and/or from school
  • demonstrates an understanding of routines and can understand and follow the instructions required to either walk or travel to and/or from school using public transport
  • demonstrates the literacy/numeracy/social and emotional skills required for the time and travel requirements involved
  • demonstrates the ability to use clearly understandable forms of communication (this may be verbal, written or any other form of communication system) including the ability to learn to use a mobile phone or other appropriate technology
  • has the ability to physically access the required mode of transport.

Level 2 - Travel in a vehicle without an Assisted Travel Support Officer

Students do not yet demonstrate the prerequisite skills for independent travel. These students require vehicular support to travel. The student may require assisted travel to and from school, without the direct support of an Assisted Travel Support Officer. A Student Behaviour Support Plan may be required for these students.

The student:

  • does not yet demonstrate capability for independent travel
  • is unable to participate in a program of travel training
  • uses a mobility device which cannot be accommodated on public transport
  • has insufficient vision to negotiate public transport independently and is not yet sufficiently "mobility trained"
  • is able to travel safely with a seat belt buckle cover or restraint system to support safe behaviours without the need to engage an Assisted Travel Support Officer
  • may require a Student Behaviour Support Plan relevant to supporting the student during transit without the need to engage an Assisted Travel Support Officer.

Level 3 - Travel with the assistance of an Assisted Travel Support Officer

These students have a risk assessment which indicates the need for the additional support during transit. Supervision by an Assisted Travel Support Officer is required for either health care or behaviour/safety concerns.

The student:

  • presents with health care needs as detailed in the student's Individual Health Care Plan that require support and supervision during transit. This may include emergency response plans, seizure management plans, administration of medication and/or health care procedures relevant to supporting the student in the transport environment.
  • engages in behaviour that poses a safety risk to themselves and/or others that require additional support during transit. These students are required to have a Student Behaviour Support Plan relevant to supporting the student in the transport environment.
  • requires assistance from an Assisted Travel Support Officer to travel on Transport for NSW's School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS)External link, public transport or on a walking route to and/or from school.

For information and assistance regarding the assessment of travel support needs for students, please email or phone 1300 338 278.

Business Unit:

  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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