Individual health support planning

All students are entitled to participate in education regardless of their health support needs. While a student's health support rests primarily with the parent, school staff have a duty to keep students safe while they are at school or are involved in school activities.

Schools are expected to consult with parents about their child's health.

When students need help with health issues at school, parents may need to consult with their medical practitioner about the implications of the child's health condition for their schooling and any actions that need to occur during the school day. Parents need to convey relevant information from the medical practitioner to the principal in writing.

Schools undertake collaborative individual health support planning to determine the best way for the individual health needs to be met. This may require the principal to seek additional support from the department so that appropriate arrangements can be made for the student's participation at school.

Arranging support

(Please note: Where allergies are indicated, refer to the Anaphylaxis and allergy management procedures).

Individual Health Support Plans for students with complex health needs

An individual health support plan formalises the support for students with complex health needs. Information from the student's medical practitioner, provided by parents, will inform the collaborative planning process.

Individual health support plans should include the individual health support plan cover sheet and clear details for the following where relevant:

  • an emergency care/response plan
  • a statement of the responsibilities of those involved in the student's support
  • a schedule for the administration of prescribed medication as provided by the treating medical practitioner
  • a schedule for the administration of health support procedures as provided by the treating medical practitioner
  • an authorisation to contact the medical practitioner
  • other relevant documents.

An individual health support plan must be developed for:

  • severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis
  • any student who is diagnosed as having a condition that may require an emergency response
  • any student who requires the administration of health support procedures

The principal is responsible for assessing, in consultation with appropriate school staff, the parent and the medical practitioner, how the school will meet the health needs of the student.

The principal will arrange a meeting with the parent and appropriate school staff to discuss the management of the student's health needs.

Forms and letters

Request forms

Request form - student health support, which includes a request to administer medication.

Parent letter where a student does not currently carry their own adrenaline injector for anaphylaxis or asthma reliever medication (DOCX 61.67KB)This letter should be accompanied by the request form for students to carry their own adrenaline injector or asthma reliever.

Confirmation letters

Confirmation letter - Student health support: administration of medication

Letter to parents confirming arrangements for a student to carry their own adrenaline injector and/or asthma reliever medication to school and at school (DOCX 45.88KB)

Information for parents of students who carry their own medication at school and/or who self medicate (DOCX 47.15KB)

Health support planning forms and letters

Individual Health Support Plan cover sheet

ASCIA Action Plan for AnaphylaxisExternal link

Emergency Care/Response Plan

Parent consent for doctor to provide information about their student’s health (DOCX 48.34KB)

Health support planning checklist

Administration of medication checklist


  • Health and safety
  • Student management and wellbeing

Business Unit:

  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
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