
Schools work with parents/carers, staff and students to provide effective support to students with asthma.

Parents/carers need to inform the school if their child has asthma.

Students with asthma need ready access to their reliever medication when an attack occurs.

The school must know the students who carry their own asthma reliever medication with them while at school and on all school related excursions. Parents/carers must complete a written request for the student to carry their own asthma reliever medication. A response letter (DOCX 45.88KB) will be provided to parents from the Principal confirming arrangements for the student and the information included in the student's individual health support plan if required.

If the student with asthma is young, or needs assistance to administer the asthma medication, the principal will consult with parents and staff to determine the best arrangement.

Each school has a staff member trained in the administration of prescribed medications and the Department's Administration of Medication in Schools, available through MyPL includes asthma treatments.

Related information

Asthma AustraliaExternal link

Aiming for Asthma Improvement in Children ProgramExternal link


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