Latest opportunities

Explore supports and opportunities for early childhood education and care professionals from our partners.

NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships

If you’re looking for an opportunity to take your teaching career to the next level, applications for the NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarships are now open to permanent and temporary teachers in schools and early childhood centres. Scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to undertake a 5-week study tour, internationally or within Australia, to explore best practice in their chosen focus area.

Degree-qualified early childhood teachers are eligible to apply for several categories, including:

Visit the Premier’s Teacher Scholarships webpages to find out more and apply. Applications close Friday 17 May 2024.

Identifying and Including Children with Additional Needs (IICAN)

The department has partnered with TAFE NSW to deliver the Identifying and Including Children with Additional Needs course. This free, 5-hour study program provides participants with the skills and knowledge to identify children who may need additional support, understand different types of disabilities, and explore ways to apply inclusive practices. This second phase of the IICAN pilot program ends on 30 June 2024.

Learn more about the IICAN course and how to register your interest.

Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper scheme

The NSW Government’s new Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper initiative supports eligible first home buyers, including teachers and early childhood educators, to own their own home in NSW.

The NSW Government will contribute a proportion of the purchase price of a property (up to 40%) in exchange for an equivalent interest in the property. Discover more details and eligibility requirements.

Webinar on working in the ECEC sector

Check out this free on-demand webinar by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. You'll learn about fee-free training opportunities and hear from industry representatives, employers and workers in the sector.

Sector updates

The department sends a regular Early Childhood Education and Care Update to all services in the sector, full of helpful regulatory information and professional development opportunities. You can read past issues on the sector updates webpage.

Latest job opportunities

Job vacancies are generally advertised through IWorkForNSW, where you can search for advertised NSW Early Childhood Education roles.

You can also search for advertised early childhood education roles from The Sector.


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