Equity loadings
Equity loadings are provided to schools to address the additional learning needs of students and reduce the impact of disadvantage on student outcomes.
The Resource Allocation Model (RAM) includes 4 equity loadings:
- socio-economic background
- Aboriginal background
- English language proficiency
- low level adjustment for disability.
All schools have a Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) which must show their school community how they propose to support students. The SIP details the steps the school will take to improve learning outcomes and the achievement and growth of all students. If a school receives equity funding, their SIP must explicitly state the targets and/or other improvement measures related to those student groups.
Principals consult with staff, parents and carers to determine the best way to support the learning needs of students in their schools. Accountability for the effective use of equity funding to improve student learning occurs through the school's annual report.
School Excellence in Action supports the targeted alignment of resources to school initiatives, to ensure that all students have the support they need to meet their full potential.
Schools can choose to combine their equity funding with other funding sources to better support the needs of students. Whole of school programs and strategies may also support particular groups of students or individual students.
Equity loadings and any associated staff entitlement must be used in the calendar year for which they are provided.
Staff only information
Staff can find more Strategic Schools Resourcing information on our intranet.