Annual report

Schools report to their communities through their annual report. This reporting is a key part of a principal's responsibility and accountability.

Preparation of the annual report involves schools reflecting and making assessments of their ongoing progress towards the strategic directions identified in their Strategic Improvement Plan. This includes the results of the school's self-assessment using the department's School Excellence Framework Self-assessment Survey (SEF S-aS).

Schools generate their annual report using the School Planning and Reporting Online (SPaRO) software. The SPaRO software platform is an integrated online process that schools use to efficiently plan, self-assess and report. SPaRO is available on the department's staff portal.

Publishing the annual report

For schools using the School Website Service, the annual report, once published in SPaRO, will be loaded to the school's webpage within 24 hours under the 'School Planning and Reporting' tab. It is important that schools do not remove the 'School Planning and Reporting' page from their SWS hosted website.

Schools with websites not supported by SWS, for example, 'Pario' and locally hosted internet pages, are required to download a copy of the annual report from the published folder in SPaRO and manually load it to their school website.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Compliance and audit
  • Educational accountability
  • Leadership and management
  • Performance
  • Planning
  • Reporting and performance
  • School Excellence Framework
  • Teaching

Business Unit:

  • Public Schools
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