Electricity Consumption Report
Please note: This Electricity Consumption Report has been replaced with the Utilities Portal. This page will no longer be supported from October 2024.
About this report
Data Source: The data is extracted from ERM and Origin invoices.
Updated: Monthly
Designed for
Principals, school leaders, teachers, asset services officers can use this report to identify the electricity consumption of a school throughout the year, compare to the previous year, compare to the state average, ascertain whether efforts to keep costs/usage low are working.
How can I use this report?
The Electricity Consumption report contains key data on Electricity Consumption in your school. Use the “Select School” filter to view:
- Monthly total consumption against previous year
- Consumption (kWh) and ($) information cards
- Comparison of average consumption against state average
- Year to Date (YTD) average consumption
What should I look for?
- Use the charts to answer questions about electricity usage at your school.
- If consumption this year and last year are significantly different, or the consumption is much higher than the state’s average this could be investigated further. If you have further questions you can email the Utilities Analyst (sustainability.enquiries@det.nsw.edu.au) who may be able to assist you.
Using the report
Select the results you want
The school filter at the top of the report allows you to select the results you want displayed.
View the charts
Your selection will automatically be applied to all charts.
Monthly Consumption by Year
The Monthly Consumption by Year bar chart shows the monthly kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage of a school compared to the previous year’s consumption. This enables users to see the overall electricity use, and to identify any periods of increased and decreased usage at their school.
Hovering over the bars in the Monthly Consumption by Year Chart will bring up information on how many NMIs (National Meter Identifier) contribute to the consumption for each month.
Consumption (kWh) and cost ($) information cards
Consumption (kWh) and cost ($) information cards show the last received invoice totals compared to the same period last year. It is important to note that if your electricity provider is Origin invoices are received quarterly, as a result, your reports may show less than actual total consumption. If your electricity is provider is ERM, invoices are received monthly and are up to date.
Average Consumption (kWh) per Square Meter (GFA) for School vs State
The Average Consumption (kWh) per Square Meter (GFA) for School vs State report bar and a line chart shows data on the average kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage by school per their total Grand Floor Area (GFA) against the state average. This enables users to see how their school’s consumption profile compares with the state’s.
YTD Average Consumption (kWh/m2)
The Year to Date (YTD) Average Consumption (kWh/m2) report line chart shows cumulative average consumption and comparison to the previous year.
Export data
You can download the results in this report for further analysis using the ‘More Options’ tab, which appears when you hover above the top right of some charts. Click on the three dots, or ellipsis, to bring up the menu, then select ‘Export data’.
Reset to default
If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select ‘Reset to default’.
Need Further Help?
- Other guides are available in the Digital Learning Centre.
- If you are having difficulty with access to a Scout app or report, please contact Support.