Aboriginal Percentage of Population by Statistical Area

This report uses population data from the 2011 census to show Aboriginal Percentage of Population by Statistical Area.

How will this report benefit me?

This report will help principals identify the percentage of Aboriginal population in the community their school is based in.

What does this report provide?

This one page report provides:

A map of NSW and displays the percentage of Aboriginal population in each statistical area.

Use the scroll button on your mouse, or double click on any part of the map, to zoom in and out of the map. This will allow you to identify the SA3 relevant to your school.

How can I use the Aboriginal Percentage of Population by Statistical Area report to support my school self assessment?

This report, together with the Current Enrolment report, allows you to compare the Aboriginal population of the statistical area your school is based in, with the Aboriginal population of your school. This will assist in formulating policy to improve the wellbeing of students at your school and engage with the school community.

What should I look for?

The map is interactive so you can hover your mouse over each Statistical Area for information.

Refer to the legend to assist in identifying the Aboriginal population in a percentage band.

Where does this data come from?


How frequently is data updated?

Every 5 years

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