SEIFA Index by Statistical Area

This report shows the SEIFA index by Statistical Area. SEIFA stands for Socio-Economic Indicator for Areas. SEIFA is developed by the ABS based on data from the 2011 Census.

How will these reports benefit me?

Use these indexes to gain an understanding of the socio-economic conditions of the community being served.

This will impact the types of programs that need to be in place for each service delivery location.

What does the SEIFA Index by Statistical Area report provide?

This one page report provides a map of NSW with the SEIFA index for each statistical area Level 3:

Index of Advantage/Disadvantage: This is a composite index where lower scores indicate more disadvantaged areas and higher scores indicate more advantaged areas.

This index is constructed using a number of different variables that indicate both advantage (i.e. high income, having a degree qualification) and disadvantage (i.e. unemployment status, low income, not enough bedrooms).

Index of Disadvantage: This index identifies areas with lower educational attainment, people in low-skilled occupations, low employment and other indicators of disadvantage. This index ranks areas from most disadvantaged to least disadvantaged.

How can I use the SEIFA Index by Statistical Area report to support my school self assessment?

Schools can use the data in this report to understand the advantage or disadvantage of the community they serve. This information can be used to formulate student wellbeing measures and successful community engagement.

What should I look for?

Please note the chart has a drill down feature. Use the scroll wheel on the mouse or double click on an area to drill down into that area. This allows for further understanding and analysis of Statistical Area.

There are two indexes available. Only one index can be picked at one time.

Where does this data come from?

ABS Census

How frequently is data updated?

Every 5 years

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