Acknowledging achievements and successes (4 hours)
In this unit students will learn the link between acknowledging our achievements and successes and our positive emotions. By cultivating these emotions on a regular basis they will learn to build resilience.
Acknowledging achievements and success (DOCX 81KB)
Decoding male body image (5 hours)
In this unit, students will investigate the media messages which influence perceptions and images using male body image as the focus.
Decoding male body image (DOCX 254KB)
Design physical activity options (2-3 hours)
In this unit students will create physical activity options for themselves and others. They will consider their own needs and the needs of young people and design a circuit with minimal equipment to be completed in their own home or out.
Designing physical activity options (DOCX 66KB)
I am confident to move (2 hours)
This unit supports students to reflect on the exercise opportunities available to them in their current environment.
I am confident to move (DOCX 75KB)
Media analysis (2 hours)
In this unit students will develop their own critical inquiry skills and refine their strengths, assisting them to become media literate.
Media literacy (DOCX 73KB)
Mental fitness – exercising your brain (4 hours)
In this unit students will to recognise the importance of sleep and physical activity for positive wellbeing. They will participate in a mindfulness session and reflect on their own response to mindfulness.
Mental fitness (DOCX 69KB)
Myth busters. How true is that? (6 hours)
In this unit students will examine and critique health information across the gambling learning contexts.
Mythbusters (DOCX 103KB)
Navigating safely through risky business (4-6 hours)
In this unit students will develop an understanding of the skills, strengths and knowledge required to assist in responding to challenging situations in relation to alcohol and drug use.
Navigating safely through risky business (DOCX 265KB)
How can you be successful post school? (3 hours)
In this unit students will learn how to apply their strengths and understanding of the features of a quality resume to create and use a personalised resume
Ready for work (DOCX 77KB)
NSW Physical Literacy Continuum lessons
A collection of lessons designed that advocate the NSW Physical Literacy continuum in physical education
MBS Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (3 hours)
Movtivation and behavioural skills physical activity treasure hunt using the NSW Physical Literacy Continuum
MBS Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (DOCX 115KB)
MC Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (3 hours)
Movement competencies physical activity treasure hunt using the NSW Physical Literacy Continuum
MC Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (DOCX 113KB)
PSA Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (3 hours)
Personal and social attributes focus physical activity treasure hunt using the NSW Physical Literacy Continuum
PSA Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (DOCX 117KB)
TM Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (3 hours)
Tactical movement focus physical activity treasure hunt using the NSW Physical Literacy Continuum
TM Physical Activity Treasure Hunt (DOCX 116KB)