Character study within poetry (3+ hours)
A unit of work about character in poetry.
Character poem – Timothy Winters (DOCX 78KB)
Code and convention
Crafting character (3-4 hours)
A unit aimed at students refining their understanding of the conventions of the short story form, the process of characterisation, and the features of narrative.
Crafting character – short story (DOCX 99KB)
Creative writing (3-4 hours)
A unit that can be utilised within a larger unit of work in order to develop capacity with language and creative writing skills.
Film study: Finding Nemo (3-4 hours)
A unit focused on a student guided inquiry into characterisation using the film text Finding Nemo.
Film – Finding Nemo (DOCX 941KB)
Representation in advertising (5-8 hours)
A unit based on developing student understanding of representation and how it is constructed by the composer.