
Research into learning outside the classroom, authentic sustainability learning experiences and people's attitudes to the environment can inform the development of teaching and learning activities and the proposal of sustainability actions.

Learning outside the classroomExternal link by the UK Council for Learning Outside the Classroom – contains links to a wide range of research

Health benefits of contact with natureExternal link by Planet Ark

The impact of outdoor learning and playtime at school – and beyondExternal link by Outdoor Classroom Day – provides summary of the survey findings conducted for Outdoor Classroom Day 2018

Every experience matters by Dr Karen Malone – an evidence-based research report on the role of learning outside the classroom for children’s whole development from birth to eighteen years

Learning and teaching outside the boxExternal link by Dr Amanda Lloyd

Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden national program evaluation – final reportExternal link by the University of Wollongong – reports on the impacts of the food education program


  • Teaching and learning

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  • Teaching and Learning Support
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