Road safety on holidays
With the school holidays approaching, daily routines often change and everyone is a lot more relaxed. Different play locations and holiday destinations means changed traffic environments and new safety concerns.
20 December 2021
To help keep our children safe, we all need to remember these key road safety messages when going on holidays and being in new environments:
Point out the road safety differences and dangers.
- Roads, footpaths, parks, car parks and bike tracks can look very different in holiday areas or maybe totally foreign, especially if going overseas for your holidays.

The best way to keep children safe is to actively supervise them.
- Talk and teach children about road safety every time you are out and about. Even on holidays it is important to actively supervise them.
Talk to children about being a safe road user.
- When out walking talk about the safe decisions you make, they may not have experienced these situations before.
Stop, look, listen, think every time you cross the road.
- If a child is aged 8 years or younger hold their hand when walking near or across roads. Up until at least 10 years old supervise them closely. When on holidays children can often be overly excited and not thinking about being safe.
It's the law that everyone wears a helmet when riding a bike in a public place.
- It also makes good sense to wear a helmet when riding scooters and skateboards too! It is a great way to encourage always wearing a helmet.

Click clack front 'n back every person for every trip.
- Safe travelling in the car on long distances means taking a break every two hours. Give your children fun things to do in the car so they don't distract the driver. If using a different car while on holidays check they are in the right child restraint for their age and size.
Remind the other adults such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, who may be caring for your children while on holidays, about these key road safety messages.
Take care and have a great holiday together.
More information can be found:
Safety Town for families
- Teaching and learning