Students are able to generalise skills and knowledge to other situations and/ or monitor and evaluate a decision-making process.

On conclusion of a learning activity, students should be offered an opportunity to reflect on the learning process, their understandings, attitudes and values.

The following questions may be used to guide the reflective process and are a suggestion only. Students can respond verbally or in written form.

  • What did I do?
  • What did I learn?
  • How did I feel?
  • Why did I feel like that?
  • How will I use the skill or information?

A reflection journal is also an effective tool to allow students to regularly respond to these questions and reflect personally on their learning.

Example reflection strategies include:

  • 3, 2, 1: after watching or reading a stimulus or completing a series of classroom activities.
  • Three recalls or facts they can recall from the source or lesson.
  • Two so what's or things about why the material is relevant to them.
  • One question. For example: ‘Why is it that…?', 'In the future, what will…?', 'How does this affect…?'
  • Students share in a pair and discuss and answer the question posed by their partner.
  • As a class, invite interesting ‘recalls', ‘so what's' and ‘questions' to be shared to check student understanding of main concepts.
  • Sharing circle: after an activity or lesson, students form a group to reflect and share what they have learnt.

Exit slips – written student responses to questions teachers pose at the end of a lesson. These enable teachers to quickly assess students' understanding of the material.

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