References and research
- AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) (2017). Australian Professional Standards for TeachersExternal link, accessed 3 May 2021
- Dixon M. (2016) ‘Preparing to work with textual concepts in K-6 English’, Scan 35 (3) 10-21, accessed 31 July 2016
- ETA English Teachers Association and NSW Department of Education (2016) English Textual ConceptsExternal link, accessed 3 May 2021
- NESA (NSW Government Education Standards Authority) (2021) Content and text requirementsExternal link accessed 3 May 2021
- Serafini F and Moses L (2014) ‘The roles of children’s literature in the primary grades’, The Reading teacher 67 (6): 465–468
- Thomson C (2016) ‘Text selection’, Scan 35 (3) 5-8, accessed 31 July 2016