Reflection ideas

Use these questions to reflect on what you have just read.

Features and language in digital and multimodal texts

1. What are some of the specific features of digital and multimodal texts which you would need to explicitly teach your students?

  • Multimodal (print-based) – for example
    • metalanguage
    • prior experiences
    • visual literacy
  • Digital (web-based)
  • Digital (eBook)
  • Digital (film-based)

2. What syllabus content do you think is the most important for your students to experience first? Where would you head later and why?

3. What specific vocabulary would you expect your students to understand when interacting with digital and multimodal texts?

4. What specific vocabulary would you expect your students to confidently use when interacting with and responding to digital and multimodal texts?

5. What resources or support would you need to effectively implement the teaching of digital and multimodal texts with your class?

6. Construct a word bank of vocabulary you would expect your students to demonstrate a sound understanding of at their level.

Using the English K-10 Syllabus you could now program a short series of lessons for your class incorporating digital and multimodal texts.

All syllabus references are from English K–10 Syllabus © 2012 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.

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