
What curriculum networks exist that support teaching and learning?

Register your network (staff only) for others to be able to join.

View the map of curriculum networks (staff only) to locate and join a network. Please email if you need assistance joining a network. 

Getting started – a step-by-step guide to take you through the process of finding and getting on board with a network, making links and getting heard.

The NSW Department of Education has measured the impact of effective curriculum networks through the Curriculum Network Project.

Curriculum Network Project purpose

The Curriculum Network project identified the importance of curriculum networks for teacher support. The aims of this project were to better understand the characteristics of quality, sustainable curriculum networks that develop leadership capacity, cultivate curriculum content expertise and improve teaching practice, leading to improved student learning outcomes. The networks were identified across the state (metropolitan, regional, rural and remote).

Aim of the Curriculum Network Project

The aim of the Curriculum Network Project was to identify quality network practices that facilitate existing curriculum networks. This information will support the establishment and growth of new networks.

What statewide staffroom would I like to join?

Statewide staffrooms were developed to support teachers, provide expert advice, teaching and learning resources and professional learning.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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