Successful bodies of work – Interactive resource

Students will learn from a range of former students who have successfully completed their body of work.

Students will also take a virtual tour of ArtExpress 2020 at the Art Gallery of NSW, and will investigate the role of the curator in creating the ArtExpress exhibition. By completing these activities, students will identify and understand the qualities of successful HSC bodies of work.


When completing this short unit of work, students will learn from a range of former students who have successfully completed their body of work. They will:

  • take a virtual tour of ARTEXPRESS 2020 at the Art Gallery of NSW.

  • investigate the role of the curator in creating the ARTEXPRESS exhibition.

  • identify and understand the qualities of successful HSC bodies of work.

  • apply their understanding of the artworld relationships (to the artist, the artwork, the world and the audience) in developing their interpretations of artmaking practice both their own work and that of others.

  • build on their knowledge of Visual arts specific language and will reflect on their body of work progress.


  • This resource can be used to support the development of new knowledge and skills in Stage 6 Visual Arts students. Using student sample work as exemplars is a recognised means of raising student expectations and establishing explicit quality criteria.

  • Teachers can set standalone activities from this resource, or work through the entire set of activities.

  • As students progress through the online content in this presentation, teachers can interact with students and provide feedback using a shared online platform, such as Google classroom, or in face-to-face lessons.

  • Teachers can set more specific timelines for student work and can add resources and/or feedback to support the tasks and to differentiate learning.

Access resource

Successful bodies of work - interactive resource google-site


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Visual Arts Stage 6 Syllabus (2016) ©External link NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2021.


  • HSC
  • Stage 6
  • Visual Arts

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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