Student Pathways Plan

The Student Pathways Plan (SPP) enables students to identify essential career self-management actions and planning skills.

The program utilises student voice to inform individual career conversation. The evidence-based data allows students to analyse their responses and provides guidance on accessing career advice.

School staff can view student responses to assist students with career development.

Universal Resources

Career Programs, Career & Workplace Learning team in collaboration with other teams across the department have developed a range of universal resources. The resources are quality assured, evidence based and support teaching and learning, and school improvement. All schools can self-implement these resources.

The resources currently available include:

Student Pathways Survey and Plan - summary and reflection guide

Student Pathways Plan Student Guide

Student Pathways Plan Editable Form

Student Pathways Plan - summary and reflection pack

Project: Student survey animated video

For more information, please visit:

Student access - Students to log into their DoE Student Portal.

School access - Schools access student responses via the Staff PortalExternal link.

Download teacher's handbook Student pathways plan teacher's handbook (PDF 1.9 MB)

Map of Student Pathways Plan Participants 2022-2023
Year Number of student participants
2020 6631
2021 6178
2022 5852


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
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