The following information is available in 35 languages on this page: Suspension factsheet.

What is suspension?

A suspension is when the school asks a student not to attend school for a period of time. Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 may be suspended for up to 5 school days and students in Year 3 – 12 may be suspended for up to 10 school days.

Principals may suspend a student when the student’s behaviour of concern poses an unacceptable risk to others or to teaching and learning.

Principals may suspend when they have already tried to manage the students’ behaviours of concern in other ways and the school needs time to plan supports for the behaviour and plan how to keep everyone safe without the student being at school. Principals must consider the behaviour and the needs of the student when deciding to suspend. If the behaviour is serious or a safety issue, your child may be placed on an immediate suspension.

What happens if my child is suspended?

The principal must tell the student verbally where appropriate. They must immediately notify parents or carers verbally, where possible, or within 24 hours. You and your child must be given a chance to meet with the school to respond to the suspension. The school will work with you on strategies and supports that can be put in place to help your child.

The principal will also provide you a written notice of the suspension, which includes the reasons your child was suspended, the details and timeframe of the suspension

During the suspension your child will not be allowed at school. The school will provide your child with support to keep learning during the suspension and will check in with you and your child. The Wellbeing tip sheet can help you support your child’s wellbeing during suspension.

Extension of a suspension

If the suspension doesn’t provide enough time to plan supports or there is an ongoing safety risk that is not yet managed the principal can extend the suspension. Parents and carers will be notified before the end of the suspension if it is extended.

Can I appeal a suspension?

Yes, if you believe that the principal made an unfair decision or didn’t follow the policy and procedures. Refer to Appeals resource. You cannot appeal an extension to a suspension.

More information on advocating for your child is available, as well as our School Community Charter that outlines ways to communicate with schools.

What is a suspension resolution meeting?

Your child will come back to school on or before the date the suspension ends. Your positive engagement with the school is very important in managing your child’s behaviour and developing solutions together. Before your child returns the school will contact you by phone to arrange a resolution meeting with school staff who work closely with your child.

The meeting can be in person, on the phone or online in the format that will give the best chance of a positive discussion. The meeting will be about how you can work together to support your child when they return to school. You can bring a support person with you to the meeting. A support person may be someone who can provide you and/or your child with practical and/or emotional support

For behaviours of concern which need more strategies and supports, the school will work with you and your child to develop a plan to support them and reduce any risks. Your child may already have one in place. If a plan is already in place, it will be adjusted to help support your child. This plan will be shared with you and with other staff in the school who support your child.

What if the behaviour happens again?

If the behaviour of concern happens again, the principal and school learning support team will try to identify ways to support your child’s learning, which may include another suspension. This may include asking experts from within the department to help provide support.

Telephone interpreter service

If you wish to contact the school and need assistance with English, please call the telephone interpreter service on 131 450, tell them what language you need and ask the operator to phone the school. The operator will get an interpreter on the line to assist you with your conversation. You will not be charged for this service


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  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
  • Parents and carers
  • Student management and wellbeing

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