HSC students on staying motivated and focused

After months of studying – and years of schooling – there's only a few weeks left to go of high school. These Year 12 students share how they're staying on track so close to the finish line.

Student voices

Remember in the end it will all be worth it and all your hard work will pay off.

- Grace P, Cronulla High School
Organising a balance between studying at home as well as enjoying activities and hobbies I enjoy and keeping on top of any other commitments keeps me level-headed and motivated towards the end of my studies.

- Patrick A, Ulladulla High School
"It's hard to always maintain motivation, but just remember these are the last few weeks we will ever have to work hard and strive for success in our whole schooling careers. An accumulation of 13 years of schooling, and we only have to get through a few more weeks! If you’re finding it hard to keep pushing, just think of all your friends and peers around you who are experiencing the same thing, and do it for them. No regrets!"

- Ashwin C, Normanhurst Boys High School

More tips

  • No regrets! Remember your best is all you can do. Give it your best shot and make the most of what you've got, that's all anyone can expect.
  • Keep connected. Lean on your support network such as family and friends for help when you need it. Those that love you will want to help, but may not know how so it's important to let them know what you need – or what you don't need. You're not alone.
  • Eat well. Eating healthily and regularly and staying hydrated is important for regulating how your body functions, including your mood, immune system and energy levels.
  • Stay active. Going for a leisurely walk or stretch, jumping in the pool or playing basketball with your mates is a great way switch off and come back recharged. Maintaining a balance is essential for avoiding burnout.
  • Think of the future. While there's a lot of unknowns, there are some things that are certain. The exams will start, and they will finish, and in mere months you'll be done! Remember your goals, reward yourself, and get excited for the inevitable and well-deserved study break that's just around the corner.

We're wishing all Year 12 students the best of luck for their final exams!

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