Practical wellbeing tips for senior students
Find tips for looking after yourself during your senior studies and dealing with changes and challenges arising during the HSC.

Being in years 11 and 12 can be stressful. You might feel worried about what will happen this year, as well as what lies ahead in 2025 and beyond. These emotions, while understandable, can be distracting and draining. So, it’s important to have some strategies to manage our worries, re-focus our thinking and look after ourselves.
Be balanced and compassionate in your thinking
It’s important to be kind to yourself and realistic in your thinking. Try to be as kind and supportive when speaking to yourself as you would be if you were talking with a good friend.
Keep connected
In challenging times we're better together, so stay in touch, look out for each other and keep connected. And these days that means virtually.
There are lots of new and different ways you can catch up from the comfort of your own home, using our phones and computers. Your friends are likely experiencing similar worries and it can really help to talk about it together and support each other. Your family are also there to support you.
Make time to be around people who make you feel good and are there to help.
Take back some control
When a major change occurs, it’s important to think about how much control you have over the situation. Understanding your role and how much you are able to change can help you put things in perspective. Identify things in your life that you are in control of, make a "to-do" list of what you are going to complete and check them off when done.
Accept what you are unable to change and re-frame
When unwanted change is beyond your control, look to take a reflective approach. Accepting that there are things beyond your control, and choosing to be comfortable with that fact, is likely to bring greater peace of mind and use less energy than fighting something you can't change.
Try to see change as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a setback.
Make healthy choices
Stay active - do a free on-line work-out or get outdoors and do something physical to give yourself a break, get the blood flowing and boost your mood.
Make sure you get enough sleep to give your brain a rest and allow you to recharge. Eating well and staying hydrated will help to improve your mood, boost your energy level and support your general health.
Remember that you are still in control of your own path, and there are lots of different pathways to study and to work.
We're wishing all Year 12 students the best of luck for their final exams!