Emotional wellbeing strategies
Emotional wellbeing relates to self-awareness and emotional regulation. It includes how well we cope, and is often reflected by the level of a person’s resilience. Emotional wellbeing is in part informed by our capacity for self-reflection.
Create safe classroom, playground and online learning environments
Behavioural expectations need to be explicit, fair, consistently applied and jointly constructed. This enables the classrooms and playgrounds to be predictable and thus safe. Strategies include:
- having clear expectations, structures, routines and accountability systems that promotes responsibility from all stakeholders
- fostering positive language and inclusive play at recess and lunch
- providing ‘safe’ places for students to go at recess and lunch
- quality and active supervision of playground and common areas by teachers
- greeting students as they enter classrooms and checking in with them regularly
- include digital citizenship strategies as per the Student use of digital devices and online services policy.
Teach social and emotional skills and enhance self-regulation
Social and emotional learning (SEL) involves students having opportunities to learn and practice social skills. Some resources can be found at https://beyou.edu.auExternal link. Teachers should:
- integrate social and emotional learning into teaching and learning programs in alignment with ACARA’s personal and social capabilitiesExternal link
- do mindfulness activities when appropriate
- model effective social and emotional skills and respect for others in your own behaviour and relationships
- set practical tasks and cooperative activities that promote problem-solving, social skills, negotiation and communication
Developing and supporting school-wide strategies
To support students’ emotional wellbeing across the school, staff members can:
- support the adoption of practices and policies in your organisation that foster wellbeing, such as anti-bullying strategies and positive behaviour support
- contribute to team discussions and participate in professional development
- encourage students to participate
- refer students to the wellbeing team if concerned
- engage with anti-bullying resources on the anti-bullying website
- support data collection processes to evaluate and feedback on school-based wellbeing programs and strategies
- facilitate student referrals to external providers by establishing and maintaining referral pathways with appropriate local services.