Supporting Aboriginal children

The department has partnered with the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) to develop a range of resources for services that provide early childhood education and care to Aboriginal children.

As Aboriginal people are the Traditional Custodians of NSW, we refer to Aboriginal people. The department’s Aboriginal programs and services are available, without question, to Torres Strait Islander peoples.


These resources review and consider the National Quality Framework (NQF) in a way that's more relevant to services which provide:

  • early childhood education and care (ECEC) to Aboriginal children

  • support to these children’s families and communities

  • give ongoing guidance and reference for services implementing the NQF into daily practice

  • are available to all service providers and ECEC staff.

Running a deadly service

Governance responsibilities as committee members
Aboriginal perspective on critical reflection

Information to support families

We've produced a flyer for parents and carers that details the importance of ECEC for Aboriginal children.

Download the flyer: It's important our Jarjums continue to learn and grow (PDF 477 KB)

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day: Q&A Panel

To celebrate Children’s Day in 2022, we invited 3 early childhood educators to talk about the importance of this day and to share their insights and expertise on how to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait children continue to thrive in early ECEC.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day: Q&A Panel


More information

You can also learn how we support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander access.

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