Student Item Analysis (Non-Writing)

The Student Item Analysis report shows how a student has performed against each NAPLAN item. The report allows teachers to better understand the needs of individual students, including areas of strength and areas for development. This information can assist teachers to support student learning.

The Online Item Analysis Student report covers the domains of Reading, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy. Writing results are presented in a separate report.

How to use this report

  1. Select the assessment, scholastic year, calendar year and domain. You may wish to use the other optional slicers to narrow your search. This includes enrolment type group (useful for schools with support classes) and student group type (useful for schools with identified additional groups such as COVID ILSP or custom groups).
  2. Select the student.

Item difficulty by assessment and response correctness.

This chart shows correct and incorrect responses for each item.

Each dot represents an item:

  • Green dots represent correct responses
  • Red dots represent incorrect responses.

Hovering over the dot displays Item ID, Item Difficulty, Assessment and Response Correctness.

A screenshot of the Item difficulty by assessment and response correctness chart A screenshot of the Item difficulty by assessment and response correctness chart
Image: Item difficulty by assessment and response correctness chart

Tips for analysis:

  • Identify the difficulty level where students begin to experience challenges. Is there a pattern to the questions they start to answer incorrectly? Is there a pattern to the questions they continue to answer correctly at a higher difficulty level?

Item analysis by syllabus code and response correctness

This chart displays students’ performance in items and compares the number of correct vs. incorrect items grouped by Syllabus ID.

The Number of questions asked by syllabus code and outcome table displays the number of items presented to a student in the online testing pathway by syllabus code and syllabus outcome and also displays the total number of questions.

A screenshot of the Item analysis by syllabus code and response correctness chart A screenshot of the Item analysis by syllabus code and response correctness chart
Image: Item analysis by syllabus code and response correctness chart

Tips for analysis:

  • Look for syllabus outcomes where there are a higher number of items. Is there a pattern to the syllabus outcomes answered correctly or incorrectly? Consider whether this provides additional information to support understanding of individual student needs.
  • Are there any patterns across all syllabus outcomes for some or all students in a particular group or class?

Item analysis by item descriptor

This chart shows the number of items students were exposed to and whether they answered correctly or incorrectly.

Use the cross-highlighting feature to focus on correct or incorrect responses to selected outcomes.

A screenshot of the Item analysis by item descriptor chart A screenshot of the Item analysis by item descriptor chart
Image: Item analysis by item descriptor chart

Tips for analysis:

  • Look for item descriptors where there is a higher number of items. Is there a pattern to the type of question answered correctly or incorrectly? Consider whether this provides additional information to support understanding of individual student needs.
  • Are there any patterns across item descriptors for some or all students in a particular group or class?


  • DoE


  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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