School Item Analysis (Writing)

This report provides information on how the school has performed in writing compared to the State DoE.

When completing the writing component online, students in Years 5, 7 and 9 are presented with one of two writing prompts. Year 3 students are exposed to only one prompt.

How to use this report

Use the slicers to select the assessment year, assessment, and criteria.

To look at results for the cohort overall, begin by not selecting a test version for Year 5.

Writing Score Distribution – School compared to DoE State

This chart compares the performance of the school across each of the ten criteria. Each criterion has a different maximum mark.

Change the criteria using the slicer at the top of the page. Hover over each column to see the total number of students in the school who achieved that score.

Screenshot of the report where Test Version is circled in red Screenshot of the report where Test Version is circled in red
Image: Writing Score Distribution – School Compared to DoE State

Tips for analysis:

  • For each criterion, consider where most of the cohort is scoring. Compare this to the State DoE.
  • Across the criteria, identify areas of strength and areas for development.
  • Consider how many students were exposed to each of the two prompts and compare the performance of students from prompt 1 to prompt 2. Are there any differences?
  • Find the link to the stimulus at the top of the page.

Online Writing Rubric

This table displays an overall description for each criterion as well as a further description of scores. Scores connect to syllabus outcomes. Teaching strategy links connect to the Universal Resources Hub.

Two test versions are applicable, and the results are shown based on the Test Version selected. If no specific Test Version is selected (Prompt 1 or Prompt 2), scores of both test versions are shown.

Screenshot of the Online Writing Rubric table Screenshot of the Online Writing Rubric table
Image: Online Writing Rubric

Tips for analysis:

  • Consider where most students score. Is this stage appropriate?
  • Which students would benefit from an extension? In which areas?
  • Which students would benefit from additional support? In which areas?

Student Writing Scores by Criterion

This chart shows the performance of individual students across all criteria. Use the slicers at the top to narrow your focus to groups or classes.

This chart displays student-level writing scores achieved, with a breakdown by each writing criterion.

Select any criteria in the chart to filter results and focus on individual students.

A screenshot of the Student Writing Scores by Criterion chart with a black box of information displayed on top A screenshot of the Student Writing Scores by Criterion chart with a black box of information displayed on top
Image: Student Writing Scores by Criterion chart

Tips for analysis:

Use the slicers to focus on groups or classes. Look for students performing better than their peers and consider how to continue building their writing skills. Look for students who may need additional support and consider what strategies might support further development of writing skills.


  • DoE


  • All staff
  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
  • DoE
  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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