Teachers with leadership aspirations

In addition to delivering online professional learning sessions to future school leaders from across the state, the SLI’s School Leadership Identification Framework (SLIF) team has presented in-person sessions to almost 100 teacher leaders, mentors and school executive staff in recent weeks.
The support and development of future school leaders is vital to building depth, quality and longevity of leadership across NSW public schools. The SLIF provides a guide on developing leadership through professional development opportunities including mentoring, shadowing and feedback.
The SLIF team has visited the Bondi and Dee Why networks and Chester Hill High School so far in Term 1. This is the third year the SLIF team has presented to the Dee Why network, with the dedicated group of teacher leaders and their mentors undertaking Stage 5 of the SLIF Development Cycle. They practiced strategies to remain curious and facilitative in their approach to discussions with colleagues
The SLIF can be undertaken individually or by teachers working together in a school. When undertaken in a whole school context, the SLIF promotes a culture of collaborative leadership. Teachers work with a mentor of their choice and are supported to undertake a range of leadership development strategies within the school.