Developing middle leaders on the South Coast
Phase 2 of the Regional, Rural and Remote Middle Leaders Program was delivered to 27 middle leaders, deputy principals and principals from across the South Coast Network in Nowra in November.
The tailored program, developed and delivered by the School Leadership Institute, provides practical, evidence-informed strategies and networking opportunities to develop the capabilities of assistant principals and head teachers working in regional, rural and remote schools. It is delivered via professional learning sessions for middle leaders and the school leaders who support them.
November’s sessions followed Phase 1 of the program, which was delivered to the South Coast Network earlier this year.

Callala Public School Principal Michelle Watkins described her school’s involvement in the RRR Middle Leader Program as “transformative”.
“The learning sessions have equipped my middle leaders, who are both relatively new to the role, with the tools to establish a clear purpose for collaboration sessions among teams,” she said. “This clarity is crucial as it aligns the team’s efforts towards common goals, ensuring that collaboration is meaningful and focused on improving student outcomes.
Ms Watkins said the opportunity to connect with colleagues from other schools through the program was also valuable for middle leaders in regional, rural and remote schools.
“By connecting with other middle leaders, they can share challenges, seek advice, and collaborate on solutions, which ultimately strengthens their leadership capacity,” she said.