Delivering on the plan

The Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan is our roadmap for delivering meaningful change on the ground for our regional, rural and remote learning communities in 2024.

Latest updates

Building leadership capacity in the regions

3 July 2024

Pictured: Participants at a Middle Leaders session in Ballina.

The Regional, Rural and Remote Middle Leaders program commenced this term with more than 140 participants across 8 principal networks.

Part of the strengthening professional connections key initiative within the Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan, the

program aims to support leadership development by providing evidence-informed, practical strategies and networking opportunities to develop the capabilities of assistant principals and head teachers working in regional, rural and remote schools.

Head teachers in the Rural Learning Exchange and Education Pathways Program were also given the opportunity to take part in the professional learning, ensuring access for middle leaders in these programs.

A further 8 Principal Networks will commence the program in Terms 3 and 4 this year.

Strengthening connections among early career teachers

24 June 2024

The Early Career Teacher Connection Days kicked off this term in Bega and Moree. More than 70 teachers registered for the first 2 events, which featured sessions with celebrated keynote speakers Louka Parry and Eddie Woo.

The events are designed to promote connection, support wellbeing and build capacity among new teachers working in regional, rural and remote schools. Sessions were also held on accreditation and classroom management.

The program is part of the strengthening professional connections key initiative being delivered under the 2024 Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan.

Pictured: Participants with superstar maths teacher Eddie Woo at the 2024 Early Career Connection Days in Moree.

To find out about upcoming Early Career Teacher Connection Events in Hay and Parkes, contact the Regional, Rural and Remote Implementation team.

"I feel more empowered and confident as a result of this connection experience. It has confirmed things that I am already doing and provided me with new and interesting ideas to go forward and implement."

- Participant feedback from Bega event

Priority recruitment support for rural schools

Twenty-six new regional, rural and remote schools have been added to the Priority Recruitment Support program as part of the Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan.

The program is designed to assist hard-to-staff schools by providing intensive recruitment assistance and, in some circumstances, additonal incentives.

Rural and remote staffing support is a key initiative in the plan. It aims to streamline processes and reduce the workload of principals by providing dedicated support.

New teacher housing to support remote communities

6 May 2024

Brand new teacher housing recently travelled on the back of a truck to the small communities of Louth and Enngonia in the state's north west.

A lack of available housing in some rural towns can make it difficult to attract teachers to local schools. Designed to meet an immediate housing need, this novel solution is one of the ways the the department is providing tailored housing support as part of the Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan.

Investment strengthens post-school pathways

2 May 2024

The NSW Government has committed to continuing the Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program that has supported more than 1000 high school students to secure jobs.

The RIEP program is one of the ways the department is delivering on the Rural and Remote Education Strategy by building stronger industry partnerships to facilitate access to post-school pathways.

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  • Teaching and learning

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  • Education and Skills Reform
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