Supervising teachers
Supporting and guiding pre-service teachers strengthens our profession and is critical to creating the dynamic and inspirational teachers of tomorrow.
Great teachers have the qualities to support pre-service teachers undertaking their professional experience placements.
Great teachers:
- know the content of the subjects they teach and have a deep understanding of how learning happens
- are role models of learning
- are also those with the personal attributes, dispositions and values that engage students and inspire them to learn and achieve.
What have previous supervising teachers said?
I find the experience incredibly rewarding and I always come away from the experience having learned about my own teaching practice. - Supervising Teacher
Being part of the training of preservice teachers is valuable to existing teachers - enabling reflection of practice and collegial discussion with new practitioners. - Supervising Teacher
Want to know more about being a supervising teacher?
- Watch the AITSL videos of effective professional experience case studiesExternal link
- Have a look at the AITSL Supervising preservice teachers learning modulesExternal link
- Read the CESE literature review on Professional experience in teacher educationExternal link
- Review the NESA Framework for High-Quality Professional Experience in NSW SchoolsExternal link
- link
How do you become a supervising teacher?
- Ensure you have achieved accreditation at Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher level.
- Discuss the opportunity of becoming a supervising teacher with your principal. Your principal can then respond to requests from initial teacher education providers with knowledge of your request.
- If you have not already done so, plan to undertake professional learning about working with pre-service teachers and include this in your Performance and Development Plan (PDP).
- Complete professional learning related to supervising pre-service teachers, either:
- the AITSL Supervising Preservice TeachersExternal link Program – the minimum requirement is Practice Analysis Module 2 which can contribute towards your maintenance of accreditation hours
- an alternative NESA approved professional learning on being a supervising teacher which may be offered at your school or through a teacher education provider.