HSC Strategy School Implementation

A program supporting school leaders to integrate HSC Strategy practices aligned with Strategic Improvement Plans.

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About HSC Strategy School Implementation

This program is designed to help schools implement HSC Strategy practices effectively. It focuses on using data from Stage 6, evaluating HSC assessments, and implementing collaborative strategies for improved teaching and learning outcomes.

HSC Strategy School Implementation aims to build the capacity of school teams to adopt evidence-based teaching practices. It emphasises alignment with Strategic Improvement Plans while considering the unique contexts of each school.

Who is this program for?

In 2024, this program is for schools who completed an EOI process that demonstrates they:

  • have invested in their Stage 6 teachers attending HSC Strategy professional learning
  • prioritise improving Stage 6 student learning outcomes within their SIP and wish to develop an implementation plan to leverage HSC Strategy practices proven to lift Stage 6 student achievement
  • are interested in building a school team's capability to lead self-sustaining HSC Strategy learning communities.

Workshop dates

  • Plan Friday 21 June 2024 (Term 2 Week 8)
  • Implement Wednesday 7 August 2024 (Term 3 Week 3)
  • Refine Tuesday 3 December 2024 (Term 4 Week 8)
  • Sustain – Tuesday 18 March 2025 (Term 1 Week 8)

HSC Strategy

HSC Strategy School Implementation is part of the HSC Strategy, a program that provides professional learning for Stage 6 teachers, designed to support High Impact Professional Learning practices in schools.

The strategy supports teachers in improving student achievement collectively, regardless of a student's postcode or school's socio-economic status, and increasing the number of students who achieve in top bands in the HSC.

Professional learning within HSC Strategy includes HSC Professional Learning, HSC Action Learning Collectives, and HSC Strategy School Implementation. Each is co-designed by a community of expert HSC teachers, curriculum experts, leading educators and academic partners.


If you have any questions, contact us.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Classroom teachers
  • Teaching and learning
  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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