Teaching and learning
Students from a refugee background with disrupted or limited education usually require EAL/D and literacy support and may take longer to achieve curriculum content and language outcomes than other EAL/D students as they may not have the curriculum content knowledge or literacy skills in their first language on which to build new knowledge.
Additional resources
Schools receive additional resources to provide English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) support for students from refugee backgrounds through the New Arrivals Program or the English language proficiency equity loading. Additional resources are provided through the targeted (individual student) funding component of the Resource Allocation Model for students who have been enrolled in an Australian school for less than three years.
The strategies each school develops will depend on the number of students enrolled, student needs, the EAL/D program model and other programs and strategies the school has to support the learning and wellbeing of all students. Teachers will need to differentiate teaching and learning programs to support students access and demonstrate stage appropriate outcomes. The EAL/D effective school practices resource provides insights into effective practices in schools that demonstrate evidence of strong EAL/D student growth.
Schools may wish to provide bilingual support and a personalised learning approach to support students. For more information see EAL/D education.