Integrating technology into science lessons

Workshop on how to integrate technology into science lessons.

Workshop abstract

This workshop focuses on incorporating data logging technology in scientific investigations to support the development of scientific inquiry skills. It is designed specifically for educators who are eager to enhance their teaching practices and enable students to collect, report, and analyse data effectively.


Lewanna Kenton
Science Curriculum Implementation Officer

Lidija Radovancevic
Curriculum Advisor – Chemistry

Workshop resources

  • Greenhouse effect
  • Ideas for using sensors and data loggers in science
  • Investigating photosynthesis

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • follow a procedure to produce a model of the greenhouse effect
  • use digital technologies to collect and represent data
  • demonstrate their understanding of the greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect
  • understand the implications of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
  • improve skills in using digital technologies such as sensors and data loggers in practical investigations
  • identify the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis
  • develop a valid and reliable investigation
  • present a recommendation based on evidence collected in an investigation.
Curriculum alignment

ES3 – People use scientific knowledge to evaluate claims, explanations or predictions in relation to interactions involving the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

SC5–4WS – develops questions or hypotheses to be investigated scientifically

SC5–5WS – produces a plan to investigate identified questions, hypotheses or problems, individually and collaboratively

SC5–6WS – undertakes first-hand investigations to collect valid and reliable data and information, individually and collaboratively

SC5-7WS – processes, analyses and evaluates data from first-hand investigations and secondary sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions.

SC5-8WS – applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to identified problems

SC5-9WS – presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations.

SC5-13ES – Explains how scientific knowledge about global patters of geological activity and interactions involving global systems can be used to inform decisions related to contemporary issues.

INS11/12 – solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes.

INS11-10 – develops and engages with modelling as an aid in predicting and simplifying scientific objects and processes.

EES11/12-6 – solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes.

EES12-14 – analyses the natural processes and human influences on the Earth, including scientific evidence for changes in climate.


  • Mathematics
  • STEM
  • Science
  • TAS
  • Teaching and learning


  • All high schools
  • All primary schools
  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum
  • Mathematics
  • STEM
  • Science
  • TAS
  • TAS
  • Teacher librarians
  • Teaching and Learning Support
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page
  • Year 10
  • Year 7
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  • Year 9

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning Support
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