Support unit teachers take on road safety education at Endeavour High School
In Term 2 seven staff members from Endeavour Sports High School Support Unit attended our two day workshop Road safety education for Schools for specific purposes (SSPs) and support unit teachers K-12, one of our Professional learning workshops. It was an opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of road safety and address the local issues facing the support unit and their students. While they had opportunities to explore teaching and learning materials such as Safety Town and On the Move, they also discussed how to manage the safe entry and exit of their students using the Assisted School Travel program. Sharing ideas on how to engage with parents and the wider community allowed the faculty to discuss the unique challenges facing their campus.
On the second day of the workshop staff developed localised materials for their students such as:
- writing cross curriculum units of work which explicitly dealt with the key road safety messages
- designing a survey for all school staff to address the issues of vehicles on site
- developing a video storyboard plan, to use their students modelling safe behaviours for getting on and off buses, using the assisted transport taxis and learning to take the public bus with the mainstream students.
The development of localised resources and increased knowledge on the issues concerning their school has led to positive changes, a whole school approach to the safety of all students and an ongoing awareness of road safety education within the new PDHPE syllabus.
Support Unit teachers at Endeavour high said the new SSP Road Safety Education workshop was:
Engaging very well organised and presented. It was good to have time to look at online resources. Great that whole staff got to do it. Looking forward to Day 2!