360 cameras and road safety come to Bronte Public School

After Covid19, Bronte Public School developed new pick up and drop off procedures. The school worked with the department’s Road Safety Education Officer and STEM T4L team to develop some innovative ways to communicate this to their students and families using the 360 camera kit.

The 360 camera and Situ app provided students and families with a full 360 view of all their pick up and drop off gates around the school and clear visual procedures on how to use them safely. Teachers and students discussed and chose the relevant key road safety messages for each school gate.

Click here to see Bronte's 360 road safety views

The students were involved in the development of the pick-up procedures from inside the school to the gates. This was a great way for them to learn about the safe ways to leave school and how to travel home safely, walking, riding or being picked up outside the school. They enjoyed learning how to use the 360 camera and adding videos onto the images explaining what to do at certain points in the school zone.

The students’ learnt and developed about entering and exiting their school safely and what they thought was important to share with their school community.

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