Helping young people get their driver's licence

Getting a driver’s licence is a rite of passage for many young people. It opens up opportunities for further education, employment, training, health care, family and independence. However, getting a licence isn’t easy for some young people.

Parents and carers have a key responsibility for helping their young person get:

  • a learner’s licence
  • 120 hours of supervised behind the wheel driver training
  • a provisional licence

The following resources may help a young person move through the steps to successfully pass the provisional driver’s licence test.

Schools are encouraged to share this information with their students and families.

NB: NSW public schools are not required to provide behind the wheel driver training to students

Support and advice:

Service NSW

Getting a NSW driver licence
Driver licence support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • a wide range of programs and services to help get and keep your driver's licence.
  • proof of identity support.
New Driver knowledge test (DKT) –online 4-6 hour course
an explanation of the benefits of the driver knowledge test online
Benefits of the new online course
  • 12 months access to the course
  • as many attempts as you need to pass the online test at no extra cost (you only pay the test fee when you apply for your licence)
  • Driver Knowledge Test online is available in English and Simplified Chinese. If you require an interpreter or want to take the test in other languages you must book a DKT in-person at a Service NSW Centre.
  • DKT online is designed to be accessible. It has a text to speech function that can read the content out to you.

You may be eligible to have the test fee waived if you are:

  • a participant in the Driver Licensing Access Program
  • undertaking the DKT within a Correctional Centre or Juvenile Justice Centre.
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