Active Travel - Sustainable transport

Using transport contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Investigations about using transport can lead students to explore the alternatives and use safe active travel modes with lower environmental impacts and increased health and wellbeing.

Your schools' sustainable transport projects could include:

  1. designing a school community active travel initiative such as a walking or riding to school bus program.
  2. developing an integrated PDHPE unit on safe active travel in your local community.
  3. creating a recycling bike program or repurposing equipment to be a bike storage facility.
  4. working with P&C and local council to support safe active travel to and from school such as co-designing and implementing footpath decals.
  5. attending safe active travel teacher professional learning
  6. designing parent information events encouraging safe active travel at your school
  7. developing teaching and learning resources around the cross-curricular priority of sustainability
  8. working with your Student Representative Council to develop strategies for safe active travel such as a Positive Behaviour for Learning framework and student-run weekly activities
  9. networking with local schools on project-based learning challenges such as; how far does our school travel in a day or developing a time-lapse video of a student’s journey to school
  10. purchasing Fitbit’s to develop data to track safe active travel to and from school as pedestrians or on a bike
  11. developing walking and riding maps
  12. purchasing bike and scooter facilities
  13. promoting local public transport to increase their access to safe active travel
  14. developing Walk or Wheel tracking posters
  15. talk to your Road Safety Education Officer to get more ideas and assist with your application.

Case studies

Safe active walking to high school initiatives

  1. Balgowlah Heights PS
  2. Northmead CAPA HS

Safe active riding to school initiatives

  1. Bathurst Bicycle Bonanzas
  2. Eglington PS bike safety video
  3. Perthville PS news article
  4. Lindsay Park PS
  5. Warrimoo PS
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