These sample scope and sequences incorporate advice from NSW Education Standards Authority and include the following elements:
- title of each unit
- sequence of each unit for the year/stage
- duration of each unit
- syllabus outcomes included in each unit (these are commonly represented by outcomes codes).
- opportunities to address (content relating to department policies)
Schools require flexible options to support them in meeting the needs of their students and context. As a result, we have created a range of approaches building upon mandatory requirements and providing additional syllabus information.
All scope and sequence documents have been mapped to meet syllabus outcomes. You can clearly identify which outcomes have been covered in units of work. Use blank outcome mapping grids in the development of scope and sequences to ensure coverage of outcomes throughout the cycle of learning.
Reading the scope and sequence
Term – This sample scope and sequence includes units of work that are one school term in duration. Schools have the flexibility to deliver units of learning that vary in duration, sequence and include necessary adjustments that best meet the needs of their students.
Outcomes – All syllabus outcomes need to be taught, assessed and reported to parents in every stage of learning. It is recommended that all outcomes are addressed several times throughout a stage of learning. This ensures students have the opportunity to learn, develop and apply the knowledge, understanding and skills across multiple contexts for learning.
Learning overview – This column provides a description of the learning that has been designed to meet the needs of a particular cohort of students. This may need to be modified to suit your school context. This sample scope and sequence has been designed using the learning framework and processes applied in the 'Unpacking the PDHPE K-10 syllabus' face-to-face workshop and online course. Part of this process includes gathering relevant national, state and local evidence of student behaviour, needs and interests to form a 'big idea'.
The big idea:
- is the over-arching concept that is being addressed or challenged throughout the unit of learning
- considers all evidence gathered and how this can translate into a unit of learning that authentically meets the needs of students in a particular school and community context
- guides the selection of syllabus outcomes, key inquiry questions and content
- is also translated into an 'essential question'.
The essential question:
- has been used as the unit title in these samples
- is broad to be inclusive of all students
- guides both teaching and learning throughout the unit
- incorporates student-friendly language
- should apply a strengths-based approach.
Opportunities to address – supports schools to meet their legislative requirements by identifying opportunities to address department policies directly related to PDHPE. The unit of learning may not be exclusive to the content that addresses the identified policies and may include syllabus content from other contexts for learning.