Curriculum planning K-12 professional learning

An overview of microlearning modules for 'Curriculum planning for every student in every classroom' professional learning, supporting K-12 teachers to effectively plan to optimise learning for all students.


Explore evidence-based strategies to plan effective learning experiences for the full range of students. This professional learning highlights inclusive planning principles that are essential to know and understand as you review your teaching and learning materials.

The learning experiences and resources in this course encourage reflection and collegial discussion focused on evidence-based practices that underpin curriculum planning for every student K-12.

The course supports teams to collaboratively plan and develop authentic learning experiences based on a deep understanding of inclusive instructional design principles.

School leadership teams may choose to facilitate this course for groups or teams in their school.

Select a group name to find module titles, learning outcomes and high-level overviews.

An overview of modules supporting the diverse needs of learners

Diverse needs of learners

Five modules of 10-15 minutes duration.

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Understand why it is important to celebrate diversity and plan to optimise learning for all students.

  • How can diversity be celebrated in the classroom?
  • What are the three guiding principles to support curriculum planning?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop an understanding of the guiding principle of engagement.

  • What is the planning principle of ‘engagement’?
  • How can teachers provide multiple options to engage all students?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop an understanding of the guiding principle of representation.

  • What is the planning principle of ‘representation’?
  • How can teachers provide multiple options to represent lesson content for all students?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop an understanding of the guiding principle of expression.

  • What is the guiding principle of ‘expression’?
  • How can teachers provide multiple options for all students to express what they have learnt?

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Find out how the guiding principles and the teaching and learning cycle can support curriculum planning to optimise learning for every student.

  • How can the 3 guiding principles be used in curriculum planning?
  • How can the teaching and learning cycle support curriculum planning for the diverse needs of all learners?
  • Where can teachers find resources to support curriculum planning to optimise learning for all students?

An overview of modules supporting Aboriginal learners

Aboriginal learners

Five modules of 10-15 minutes duration

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Find out how to support Aboriginal learners in the classroom.

  • Why is it important to understand the diversity of Aboriginal learners?
  • What strategies are effective for supporting Aboriginal learners?
  • How can teachers build their awareness of the diverse needs of Aboriginal learners?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Learn about strategies for engaging Aboriginal learners.

  • What is cultural safety and what does it look like in a school?
  • What are culturally responsive teaching practices?
  • Why is it important to create culturally safe learning environments?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Explore strategies to support learning for Aboriginal students.

  • What are the key features of a personalised learning pathway (PLP)?
  • How can personalised learning pathways (PLPs) be used to support Aboriginal learners?
  • How can family and community partnerships support learning for Aboriginal students?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop a greater understanding of strategies for Aboriginal students to express their learning.

  • Why is it important to incorporate Aboriginal pedagogies in curriculum planning?
  • How can different assessment strategies support Aboriginal students to express their learning?
  • What are some considerations to support culturally safe feedback and reporting practices?

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Consider next steps for supporting Aboriginal learners.

  • How can implementation of the Aboriginal Education Policy and other key documents support Aboriginal learners to excel?
  • What steps can teachers take to strengthen collaborative decision-making?

An overview of modules supportingEnglish as an additional language or dialect learners

English as an additional language or dialect learners

Five modules of 10-15 minutes duration

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Develop a greater understanding of EAL/D learners.

  • What is the difference between the terms EAL/D and LBOTE?
  • How can the ACARA EAL/D Learning Progressions be used to identify the language needs EAL/D learners?
  • What do EAL/D learners bring to their learning?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Understand how to engage EAL/D learners in the classroom.

  • How can the cultural and language demands of learning tasks be assessed?
  • Why is it important to identify the strengths EAL/D students bring to the classroom?
  • Why provide high challenge, high support for EAL/D learners?
  • How can home language be used to support English language development?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Recognise effective pedagogies and practices for EAL/D learners.

  • How do EAL/D learners develop English language proficiency?
  • How can teachers plan for both language and content outcomes?
  • Why is scaffolding effective for EAL/D learners?
  • What pedagogies and practices support programming for EAL/D learners?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Explore strategies to scaffold assessment for EAL/D learners.

  • How can teachers assess language proficiency alongside subject knowledge?
  • Why is it important to scaffold English language demands when assessing content knowledge?
  • What assessment strategies support EAL/D learners to demonstrate their learning?

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Consider next steps for supporting EAL/D learners.

  • What skills and knowledge do teachers need to develop to effectively support EAL/D learners?
  • Where can teachers find resources to support curriculum planning for EAL/D learners?

An overview of modules supporting high potential and gifted learners

High potential and gifted learners

Five modules of 10-15 minutes duration.

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Recognise the 4 domains of potential and the diversity of HPG students.

  • What is the difference between the terms, high potential, gifted and highly gifted?
  • How can teachers build their awareness of the diversity of high potential and gifted students?
  • What are the 4 domains of potential?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop a greater understanding of talent development for HPG students.

  • What is talent development?
  • What evidence-based strategies can be used to engage HPG students?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Learn how to implement curriculum differentiation for HPG students.

  • What does curriculum differentiation look like for HPG students?
  • Why is content, process, product and the learning environment important?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Explore the Differentiation Adjustment Tool for high potential and gifted (HPG) students.

  • What is the Differentiation Adjustment Tool?
  • How can this tool be used to support curriculum planning for HPG students?
  • Where can teachers find the Differentiation Adjustment Tool?

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Consider next steps for supporting high potential and gifted students.

  • How can teachers provide equitable access to talent development for all students?
  • Where can teachers find resources to support curriculum planning for HPG students?

An overview of modules supporting learners with disability

Learners with disability

Five modules of 10-15 minutes duration

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Understand inclusive curriculum planning to support learners with disability.

  • What responsibilities do teachers have to support learners with disability in an inclusive education system?
  • Why is a muli-tiered approach important when supporting learners with disability?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Understand how to engage learners with disability.

  • How does using a multi-tiered approach engage learners with disability?
  • What strategies are effective for engaging learners with disability?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Develop a greater understanding of how to represent content for learners with disability.

  • What strategies support students with disability to access and understand content?
  • How does a multi-tiered approach support access to content for learners with disability?

Duration – 10 minutes
Available – now

Consider how students with disability can express what they have learnt.

  • What strategies support students with disability express what they have learnt?
  • How does a multi-tiered approach support students with disability express what they have learnt?

Duration – 15 minutes
Available – now

Explore how schools plan to meet the curriculum needs of all students.

  • How can teachers support all students to become successful learners?
  • What might a multi-tiered approach to planning look like in the classroom?
  • Where can teachers find resources to support curriculum planning for learners with disability?

Resources for how to plan inclusive learning experiences for students with disability supporting content from ‘Curriculum planning for every student in every classroom’ online professional learning available in MyPL.

The following 4 steps are a useful guide for planning lessons.

Step 1 – develop learning intentions and success criteria for the lesson

  • Identify appropriate syllabus outcomes for your lesson.
  • Provide options for students to access lesson content and demonstrate knowledge in multiple ways.
  • Collaborate with learners to design the learning intention/s of your lesson. Consider the success criteria to achieve the learning intentions.
  • Refer to NESA’s Collaborative curriculum planningExternal link to consider the most appropriate syllabus outcomes, adjustments and eligibility for patterns of study for learners with disability.

Step 2 – anticipate potential barriers to learning in the lesson

  • Think about what might prevent your learners from:
    • engaging with the content
    • accessing and understanding the content
    • demonstrating what they have learnt.
  • Consider where your learners have encountered barriers to their learning in previous lessons.

Barriers can occur because of the interaction between the learning environment (including teaching methods), the learning task and your knowledge of the students.

Step 3 – plan inclusive and varied learning experiences

  • Embed options to reduce identified barriers that could impact student engagement, understanding and expression.
  • Consider the universal strategies you use in your classroom and how they might be differentiated, or personalised, to meet the specific needs of learners. Strategies planned in any tier could be considered reasonable adjustments for students with disability.

Step 4 – reflect on the lesson

  • Seek feedback from students to identify what strategies supported their learning and any barriers that affected their learning.
  • Explore and discuss possible strategies with colleagues
  • Refine your strategies to further address the identified barriers to learning.

For more resources on personalised planning, access the Inclusive Practice Hub.

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