Differentiation in PDHPE (secondary)

This MyPL resource is on demand professional learning that was designed to build staff's knowledge of the new PDHPE K-10 syllabus and its features.

Audience: Stage 4 and 5 teachers and leaders

Duration: 5 hours

Differentiation in 7-10 PDHPE is a self-paced, online professional learning course designed for individuals to investigate teaching approaches and instructional models to assist with differentiating PDHPE.

This course is made up of 2 hours of online learning modules and 3 hours of offline collaborative or individual tasks. These tasks are part of a teacher’s professional responsibility for syllabus implementation, including differentiated teaching and learning activities as part of an existing unit of learning for a stage of learning.


This course supports teachers and leaders to:

  • reflect on your current practice
  • build knowledge of how to better understand the needs of your students
  • identify sources of data within your school context that can be used to identify student needs and create evidence based teaching and learning programs
  • access school based evidence to create a student PDHPE profile
  • explore teaching strategies and activities to differentiate for specific learning needs and abilities
  • plan for differentiation to meet student needs across syllabus content
  • create a sequence of learning which includes differentiated teaching and learning strategies
  • reflect on differentiation to cater for student needs
  • submit tasks as evidence of learning.

Link to MyPL

Differentiation in 7-10 PDHPE (Online)


This accredited professional learning is connected to the domains:

  • Professional knowledge – Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn
    • 1.2.2 Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn.
    • 1.5.2 Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
  • Professional practice – Standard 5 – Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
    • 5.4.2 Use student assessment data to analyse and evaluate student understanding of subject/content, identifying interventions and modifying teaching practice.


PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales

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