Creating supportive learning environments in PDHPE (secondary)
This MyPL resource is on demand professional learning that was designed to build staff's knowledge of the new PDHPE K-10 syllabus and its features.
Audience: Stage 4 and 5 teachers and leaders
Duration: 4 hours
PDHPE is a key learning area which addresses issues which may be considered controversial by some members of the community. It also has a practical aspect which requires specific risk assessment management and planning for safe and supportive learning.
Creating supportive learning environments in 7-10 PDHPE is a self-paced, online professional learning course designed to develop teacher capacity to build positive relationships with and among students and effectively manage the PDHPE classroom to create an environment where students feel safe and respected and time is spent on learning tasks.
The course will assist teachers and PDHPE leaders to develop skills to address sensitive issues, prevent public disclosures, maintain safety and promote respectful discussion and inclusion in their PDHPE classrooms.
By the end of the course, learners will establish learning goals with students, communicate with their students and community and apply management strategies for PDH and PE classrooms to support student learning.
This course is made up of 2 hours of online learning modules and 2 hours of offline collaborative or individual tasks. These tasks are part of a teacher’s professional responsibility for syllabus implementation, including teaching and learning activities promoting literacy and numeracy skill development for a stage of learning.
This course supports teachers and leaders to:
- explore how to build relationships with and among students
- develop skills to address sensitive issues, prevent public disclosures, maintain safety and promote respectful discussion and inclusion
- establish learning goals with students and communicate with students and community
- explore management strategies for PDH and PE classrooms.
Link to MyPL
Creating supportive learning environments in 7-10 PDHPE (Online)
This accredited professional learning is connected to the domains:
- Professional practice – Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- 3.1.2 Set explicit, challenging and achievable learning goals for all students.
- Professional practice – Standard 4 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- 4.1.2 Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
- 4.4.2 Ensure students’ wellbeing and safety within school by implementing school and/ or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales