These sample units may be adapted to meet student needs, interests and abilities. Explicit detail accompanies teaching and learning activities to support delivery. Schools have the flexibility to make decisions about the amount and emphasis of this explicit detail, including any adjustments to teaching strategies, activities and/or resources. These units align to the NSW PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018) and are designed to work with the existing PDHPE sample scope and sequences. Each unit incorporates advice from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)External link and includes the following elements:
- unit description
- syllabus outcomes
- duration
- stage or year
- range of relevant syllabus content
- integrated learning and teaching activities
- differentiation catering to the range of student abilities and interests
- opportunities to collect evidence of student achievement
- subject-specific requirements
- resources
- reflection and evaluation
- adjustments for students with a disability, where appropriate.