Flexible multiplicative strategies with rational numbers

This resource was developed in partnership with the NSW Mathematics Strategy Professional Learning team, Curriculum Early Years and Primary Learners, and Literacy and Numeracy.

Using the resource

This resource is the final section of a 4-part resource supporting flexible multiplicative thinking. Use this resource in conjunction with the other resources in this series in order to support a connected network of critical mathematical concepts, skills and understanding.

Supporting tasks

Full instructions on how to use each of these tasks, including materials, related tasks and learning intentions are included in the resource, are available via the Universal Resources Hub.

Task 1: Which would you work out in your head? Multiplication or division

Students critique different strategies and problem situations to develop knowledge.

Task 2: Tombola

Students develop fluency and understanding of factor-factor-product relationships.

Task 3: Investigating written methods for multiplication

Students critique different written strategies for multiplication to develop knowledge.

Task 4: Written methods for division

Students develop understanding of the division problems through visual representations.

Task 5: Decimal sort

Students develop a sense of decimal size compared to benchmark decimals.

Task 6: Estimate me

Students develop their estimation skills, through reasoning and reflecting.

Task 7: If I know... with fractional numbers

Students extend their understanding of number relationships to fractional numbers.

Task 8: Understanding multiplying by fractions and decimals

Students develop fluency and understanding of multiplying by fractions and decimals.

Task 9: Beat the calculator

Students use place value and factor-factor-product relationships to determine the product of decimal numbers.

Task 10: Investigating decimal multiplication

Students explore the relationship between fractions and decimals through visual representations.

Task 11: The remainders game

Students develop fluency and understanding of operating with remainders and fair share situations.

Task 12: Paper folding to divide a fraction

Students develop understanding of fractions through direct instruction, manipulatives and visual representations.

Task 13: Hex

Students develop fluency and understanding of factor-factor-product relationships and operating with division.


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  • Numeracy
  • Teaching and Learning Support
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