Stage 4 and 5 – English teaching and learning unit evaluation tool

This resource has been designed for use by teachers of English, English head teachers and faculties in relation to English 7-10. It provides a clear structure and format for reflection and should be used in conjunction with the school’s Stage 4 and 5 English scope and sequence, as well as any documents that detail how the faculty is meeting specific course requirements and assessment practices. It is a support document, not a list of compliance requirements.

The layout of this document is intended to support faculty-level communication, professional learning and collaborative planning. This evaluation tool can be used at any time, to support the effective design of teaching and learning activities and units. It can help faculty teams to develop a shared vision for the scope of subject English within individual contexts, and ensure a consistent implementation of policy requirements. If this document is being completed for the first time it is worthwhile exploring the process as a team. This can help identify what processes work effectively for the team and what processes need to be refined to better suit the needs of the faculty.



The new syllabus is to be taught in Years 3 to 10 from 2024.

Detailed implementation information including key features and resources is available on the English syllabus development page (NESA).

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