
The rehearsing phase of playbuilding with Aboriginal Pedagogies is the fifth section of a learning sequence for Stage 5 drama.

Story sharing: Intention and response

Aboriginal ways of learning

Image: Story Sharing, Non-verbal, Community Links

Teaching strategies

During the rehearsal phase, students can:

  • meet in their yarning circle each lesson to agree on their purpose for the performance and for the day’s rehearsal.
  • make the links to their significant place clearer.
  • make sure there are clear points of tension in their performance.
  • create a clear actor-audience relationship in the space.
  • make sure they are sharing the story with their audience.
  • work to control character, transitions, stage action, focus and tension.
  • find a moment for every group member to be the point of audience focus.
  • create a shared focus as the ensemble.
  • regularly show their work to teacher and peers for feedback.
  • time their piece.
  • refer to and further develop their learning maps.

Students should also ensure that they are meeting all the requirements of the task:

The 4-6 minute group devised performance should share a story that is clearly linked to and inspired by land and place. The structure of the story should be non-linear and may include flashbacks, a narrator and/or be retold from multiple points of view. Performances must include some use of movement and image to communicate dramatic meaning non-verbally.


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Drama 7–10 Syllabus (2003) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017.


  • Drama 7-10
  • Stage 5

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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