Identity – Part 4 – Installation

Students investigate still life through art history and compare this to contemporary practices of the ready-made object.

Students will interpret their understanding of one genre and composition through their own art making.


  • 4.1 uses a range of strategies to explore different artmaking conventions and procedures to make artworks.
  • 4.2 explores the function of and relationships between the artist - artwork - world - audience.
  • 4.3 makes artworks that involve some understanding of the frames.
  • 4.4 recognises and uses aspects of the world as a source of ideas, concepts and subject matter in the visual arts.
  • 5.1 develops range and autonomy in selecting and applying visual arts conventions and procedures to make artworks.
  • 5.2 makes artworks informed by their understanding of the function of and relationships between the artist - artwork - world - audience.
  • 5.3 makes artworks informed by an understanding of how the frames affect meaning.
  • 5.4 investigates the world as a source of ideas, concepts and subject matter in the visual arts.


2 weeks.


Students study Dutch still life compositions. They will compare the Dutch composition to kitch and conflicting ideas when constructing their own composition.

  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Civics and citizenship
  • Literacy.


All activities require students to demonstrate their learning and are all assessment for learning activities.

Teaching and learning activities

Students will:

  • watch the video Introduction to 'Dutch Art' (03:25) and answer the following question in your art process diary
    • Why is still life important for this period in history?
  • watch the youtube analysis of Balloon Dog by Jeff Koons (04:19)
  • complete the following activity comparing the two videos above
    • What does the Balloon Dog represent and why?
    • How does this artwork compare to the practice of historic Dutch painters?
    • What did they choose to represent and why?
  • summarise the information and complete the activities in the Still life or Observation drawing presentation
  • design and construct a still life drawing with ready-made objects
  • read the information about the Rembrandt tart competition on the Art Gallery of NSW website
  • make an infographic outlining the process for creating a still life composition using ready-made objects, for someone who has never done it before. Canva is a website which contains pre-made infographic templates that can be completed on any device, however, any design program can be used
  • copy your infographic into your process diary blog, share and discuss.

Written responses are documented and shared within collaborative discussion facilitated by the teacher.

Students are to:

  • document the process of their artmaking within a journal. This can be their visual arts process diary, or an online blog through sites such as Google classroom
  • photograph or sketch the process used
  • write a response about the process.



Students could:

  • create a still life installation that uses ready-made objects to portray a concept studied above.

Life skills


  • LS 8 explores ways to develop ideas in artworks

Students could:

  • photograph an item from home
  • create a still life inspired art work based on that item
  • discuss why they selected that item.


Feedback is formative for the duration of the project.

This sequence and accompanying worksheets are available as word documents below.


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Visual Arts 7–10 Syllabus (2003) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017.

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