Pre-Tech digital skills program
Build digital skills and explore potential technology careers with the Pre-Tech program. It’s open to everyone and free - whether you’re a school student, a career changer, looking for work or want to upskill.
What is Pre-Tech online digital skills program?
Pre-Tech will help you develop foundational digital skills and stay informed about career pathways in the technology industry.
You start by registering on the Pre-Tech learning platform. Then you complete a digital skills assessment. The information from this assessment will provide you with tailored learning modules related to tech related career pathways. Some of the modules include coding, web design and cyber security.
Who can access it?
The program is open to people aged 16 and over and interested in technology careers.
What are the benefits?
By using the Pre-tech program you can:
- Gain in demand technical skills at your own pace.
- Find potential digital careers based on your interests.
- Book an appointment with a careers practitioner or industry expert through Careers NSW to support you on your path of discovery.
More information
Sign up to the Pre-Tech platform today.
If you require further information, please email