Fee-free scholarships
The NSW Government's Smart and Skilled Fee-Free Scholarships mean that students can get training to get the skills they need to get the job they want and their course fees will be covered.

Smart and Skilled Fee-Free Scholarships are available for:
- young people who are eligible for a concession fee
- young people who are or have been in out-of-home care
- people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic and family violence and their dependents.
Are you eligible?
To be eligible for a Fee-Free Scholarship, you must:
- be wanting to study a full qualification up to and including Certificate IV (use the Skills Compare); and
- meet the Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria.
- be aged between 15 and 30 years when you start training; and
- be either the recipient of a specific Commonwealth Government benefit or allowance or the dependant of such a recipient; or
- be aged 15-17 years and currently in out-of-home care or aged 18-30 years and previously have been in out-of-home care
- be aged 15 years or over and have a letter of recommendation from a domestic and family violence service, refuge or other support agency.
You are eligible for one scholarship per financial year and a maximum of two scholarships over four financial years. This limit does not apply if you live in NSW Social Housing or on the NSW Housing Register (waiting list); or if you meet the out-of-home care criteria for a Fee-Free Scholarship.
Diploma and Advanced Diploma level qualifications are not eligible for Fee-Free Scholarships.
For more information on the eligibility for Fee-Free Scholarships please refer to the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration PolicyExternal link.
Contact us
Students with any questions regarding their Smart and Skilled Fee-Free Scholarship eligibility, should contact Training Services NSW Customer Support Centre on 1300 772 104 or email SmartandSkilled.Enquiries@det.nsw.edu.au
Providers requiring assistance with managing any aspect of their Smart and Skilled contract, should contact Training Market Customer Support Training.Market@det.nsw.edu.au or call 1300 772 104.