Fee-free training for disadvantaged students
If you have disabilities or are a dependant of a person with disabilities, you may qualify for fee exemptions when you enrol in Smart and Skilled training.
If you’re receiving a Commonwealth Government benefit or are the dependant of a Commonwealth Government benefit recipients, you may be eligible for concession fees when you enrol in Smart and Skilled training.
Students with disabilities
If you meet the disability eligibility criteria, you and your dependants won’t pay fees for your training under Smart and Skilled.
Commonwealth Government Benefit recipients
If you’re eligible for Smart and Skilled and you receive a Commonwealth Government benefit, you can qualify for a concession fee when you enrol in a Smart and Skilled course. View Smart and Skilled training for benefit recipients.
If you’re an eligible students and the dependant of a benefit recipient, you may be exempt from paying a fee or may qualify for a concession fee. For more information, see the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration PolicyExternal link.
Asylum seekers
If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker and undertaking a Smart and Skilled course (Certificate I to Certificate IV), you may be eligible for fee-free training under Smart and Skilled.
This now includes eligible partners of humanitarian visa holders, for any training that commences from 1 July 2021 onwards.
Fee-Free Scholarships
Smart and Skilled Fee-Free Scholarships are available if you’re eligible for a Smart and Skilled course up to and including Certificate IV level. You might be eligible if you’re:
- a young person eligible for a concession fee,
- a young person who is or has been in out-of-home care,
- experiencing or have experienced domestic and family violence, or a dependant of someone who is.
Please check out the Fee-Free Scholarship eligibility criteria.
People who want extra learning support
Fee-free foundation skills courses are also available for you if you want help with:
- reading
- writing or
- numeracy skills
to help get a job or do a vocational course.
If you want this extra support, view Smart and Skilled training for people who want extra learning support.